Sample 1: Lead generation emails with 4 follow up emails

Hi First Name,

With multiple projects comes the challenge to manage the onsite workforce, (your company name) understands the hassles of manually tracking the attendance and mapping the productivity by sitting afar. (Pointing out the issues)

We solve this problem by getting you a new age cloud-based mobile app which not only automates the entire attendance process but also helps your company to use the data strategically to increase your workforce productivity. (Solution to be offered)

Our app has proven records to save 90% of the time spent in payroll processing by your teams. (USPs of the offering pitched)

Can we connect tomorrow in the second half to share with you how we have made life easier for Soba, Damac, ABC etc.? (some client names you need to give me to put here showing our credibility)

Senders Signature

Hi First Name,

I am writing to follow up on my email as I didn’t hear from you.

We would love to share with you how (your company name)’s cloud mobile app solution for your onsite workforce can be a great productivity booster, time and cost saver for your organization.

Let me know if today in the second half we can connect?

Senders Signature

Hi First Name,

I wanted to follow up to know what you thought about saving time for your teams by 90% which is currently spent in payroll processing for your onsite workforce.

I believe it could help your company to save hundreds of hours.

Can we look forward to a brief call at a mutually suitable time?


Hi First Name,

I wanted to share with you a blog which might be of interest to you.

jetleads.io/blog (insert your blog link)

We will be happy to share more information. Let me know if you and your team would like to see a demo around the same.

Look forward to hearing from you.


Hi First Name,

I have tried to get in touch with you to see if there is a mutual fit between our company’s expertise and your goals around increasing your worker’s productivity and saving company’s time and revenue.

If there is another person you would like me to follow up, do let me know as I feel it makes sense to invest 5-10 minutes in determining if there is a mutual fit.

If not, who do you recommend I speak with?


Sample 2

Hi First Name,

My name is ((your name)) and I am the sales manager at {sender_companyname}.

We are into {about_sendercompany}.

Companies like ABC, BCA etc. have all started using our solutions and now they are able to:

      Get massive open and click through rates (benefit 1)
      Get more sales from email campaigns (benefit 2)
      Enjoy higher return on your email marketing investment (benefit 3)

I would love to get on a short call with you for a quick review of your current lead generation process and how we can help you achieve similar results.

Will Tuesday next week, at 3 pm be fine with you to connect?

Senders Signature
Opt out message (unsubscribe link)

Hi First Name,

I guess my previous email arrived at a busy time of yours.

I decided to follow up.

What difference will it make for your company if you’d be able to ((write powerful emails that engages customers in minutes?)) Pitch your products USP

Will it help you get massive open and click through rates?

And will you love the fact that you’d be able to multiply your sales from the email campaigns?

If you answered YES, then let’s hop on a call, so I can show you how our company can help you write powerful emails that nurtures good customer engagement in 5 minutes.

Will tomorrow at 10 AM be fine to connect over a brief 10 mins call?

Look forward to hearing from you.

Regards, Sender's name
Full Signature
Opt out message (unsubscribe link)

Hi First Name,

Probably {first_name}, you’re sceptical about using our service to improve your Email marketing.

You may even be doubtful that we can help you to write powerful emails that lures good customer engagement in just 5 minutes.

Well, the many businesses we’ve worked with, including abc and dfg, all felt the same way.

But once they took the plunge and tried us, they saw a massive improvement in their Email marketing.

They are now able to get massive open and click through rates, get more sales from email campaigns, and many other benefits.

I know you are busy; I’ll only need 10 minutes or less to show you how we can replicate the same result for you.

Let me know when we can schedule this call.

Many thanks,

Regards, Sender's name
Full Signature

First Name, you would like to write powerful emails that lures good customer engagement…right?

This is why I’m contacting you again.

I’m confident that we can improve your current Email marketing, and help you write powerful emails that lures good customer engagement.

Many of the clients we have helped with this service, all say good things about us, and refer us to their friends (this makes up 40% of our sales).

They say things like:

I can now write amazing emails in just 5 minutes Keshav T, SpeedX Bikes

{testifier2_answer} Rohan, CEO Paperboat

There are many more like this.

We are certain that you will have a similar testimonial when you use our service.

While we have carried out significant research on your current Email marketing, we’d like to have a call with you to show you how we could improve it.

We’re super-confident that you will have good things to say about us too, and even refer us to your friends, just like our other clients do.

Let’s have a call on Thursday, at 11 AM.

If that’s not convenient with you, just hit your reply button and let us know the day and time that is convenient for you.

I am looking forward to your reply.

Regards, Sender's name
Full Signature

Hi First Name,

It seems like my previous emails have been lost in your inbox, as I haven’t received your response to any of them.

Or maybe you aren’t the right person I should be emailing in your company about this?

Could you please connect me with the person who is in charge of {recipient_department} in your organization?

Thanks, {first_name}, I look forward to connecting.

Regards, Sender's name
Full Signature